What cleans grout best?

 In Grout Cleaning

The Grout Medic knows everything there is to know about grout cleaning.  You might not realize there are very specific ways to properly clean your tiled surfaces.  Are you doing it wrong?

Busy cleaning schedules quickly take on a methodical nature.  Often, we find a cleaner we like, and buy it all the time.  When we run out, we add that cleaner to our shopping list or online shopping cart.  Then, we apply that cleaner in our whirlwind household cleaning routines, hitting one room, the next, and the next – every week, over and over, just like always.  Right?  The problem is, if you have chosen the wrong cleaning solution and employed the incorrect cleaning methods, you could be harming your grout and tile.

What cleans grout best?

Would you heed a bit of advice from best grout cleaning company in Dallas Fort Worth?

If so, take a listen – or in this case, a look.  The Grout Medic of Dallas-Fort Worth applauds your effort in caring for your grout.  We love that you want to keep it clean, free of dirt and contaminants, like mold and mildew.  But if your grout cleaning solution contains bleach or ammonia, we want you to reconsider that solution.  Without a pH-balanced cleaning product, we cannot guarantee that you are not damaging your tiled surface with each use.  What’s more, you can damage the metal surfaces around your sinks, showers, and baths with these products too.  Save the ammonia for your glass shower door.

Ammonia cleaning solutions are great for glass doors, but not grout and tile.

Your grout might look clean, but…

Even if you are getting the gleaming result you are looking for, you are also not ridding your wet areas of mold.  If you see mold on your grout, you can clean the stain with these chemicals, but you cannot remove the mold spores with bleach or ammonia.  Also, do not employ the use of wire brushes, scouring pads, or even toothbrushes.  Scrubbing your grout will cause it to weaken, and eventually erode or crack.  You can also scratch the surface of your stone tile using a brush.

So, what cleans grout best?

What cleans grout best is a simple blast of tap water steam.  Who cleans grout best?  The Grout Medic!  With our powerful grout cleaning system, you will see gleaming results, but also safe results.  First, our steam cleaning system will remove dirt, mold, and mildew from deep within your grout.  Secondly, it will not harm your grout, or your tile.  The grout sealant we apply after cleaning will aid you with weekly cleanings, allowing a better result with a gentle cleaning solution and a gentle cleaning effort – your arm will thank us!

Ready to work with best grout cleaning company in Dallas Fort Worth? Contact The Grout Medic of Dallas-Fort Worth for your obligation-free evaluation.  Call 214-494-8749, or email dfw@thegroutmedic.com.

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